Remote Learning Enrollment Deadline Extended

Remote Learning Enrollment Deadline Extended

The deadline to enroll in the Full-Time Remote Learning Option has been extended to Friday, November 13, at 12 p.m. (noon). The remote learning option is available for families with students in grades K-8. The description of the full remote option can be accessed by clicking this link: Full-Time Remote Learning Option Packet – November 2020. Also attached is the Full-Time Remote Learning Opt-in Form, which can be accessed by clicking this link: Full-Time Remote Learning Opt-In Form. Families interested in enrolling in full-time remote learning must submit the opt-in form to Josephine Ribaudo at [email protected] no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on Friday, November 13, please.

The District intends to notify families about our ability to return to the blended in-person instructional format or remain with remote instruction under the adaptive pause by the evening of Thursday, November 12. By extending the deadline to select the Full-Time Remote Learning Option, the District is providing families additional time to decide the instructional model that best meets their specific needs.