District Finances
Resident Friendly Financial Report
District 90 has revised how it communicates financial data to the public. Using an easy-to-read format, the Resident Friendly Financial Report provides an analysis of key financial indicators and identifies significant fiscal trends. The report improves the clarity of information through the use color coordinated graphs, charts, and tables, along with definitions and notes that are designed to be easily understood. Please see the Resident Friendly Financial Report below.
Finance Publications
- 2024-2025 Budget
- 2026-2029 Operating Fund Financial Projections
- 2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Facility Publications
Budget Implementation Act Requirements
Public Act 95-707 requires that school districts post all collective bargaining agreements and vendor contracts awarded over $25,000. They are as follows for the current fiscal year:
- Collective Bargaining Agreements: 2021-2025 RFEA Negotiated Contract
2022-2026 RFESP Negotiated Contract - Vendor Contracts Over $25,000:
- Center for Collaborative Classroom - $223,625.00
- Great Minds PBC - $143,075.97
- LMC - $133,708.80
- NuToys Leisure Products - $59,521.00
- D. Kersey Construction - $448,200.00
The Act also requires that school districts, in conjunction with the submission of the Annual Statement of Affairs, post a summary report of all vendor contracts over $25,000 awarded in the previous fiscal year: 2023-2024 Summary Report
Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report
Public Act 96-0266 requires that school districts post the Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report on or before September 1 of each year: Report for FY 2024
IMRF - Salary Compensation Reporting
Public Act 97-0609 requires that within six days of approving the legal budget, school districts must post the IMRF - Salary Compensation Reporting, which lists the total compensation package for each employee exceeding $75,000: Report for the Fiscal Year Ending 2025.
IMRF – Employer Cost and Participation Reporting
Public Act 101-0504 requires IMRF to post certain employer cost and participation information on its website. IMRF updates these reports annually. Furthermore, the Act requires employers who participate in IMRF to post a link on their website to the IMRF webpage that displays this information: https://www.imrf.org/en/about-imrf/transparency/employer-cost-and-participation-information
Stevens Amendment – Disclosure of Federal Participation
Projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal grant money must credit the Federal government for the Federal government's portion of the financial support.
This web page citation informs the public that the use of Federal dollars in River Forest Public Schools District 90 meets the Stevens Amendment requirement. Personnel costs, staff development opportunities, and resource purchases have been funded in whole or in part with federal entitlement dollars.
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