Curriculum and Instruction
River Forest District 90 Schools offer a comprehensive educational program for students from preschool through eighth grade within a nurturing school community of skilled educators and experts. We combine intellectual rigor and high-quality materials with a focus on the whole child and a spirit of community to foster learning. Our educators spark curiosity, and help students become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and collaborators.
D90’s literacy instruction is based on the Illinois Learning Standards, IL Comprehensive Literacy Plan, and Scarborough’s reading rope, which includes two strands of literacy that create skilled readers.
Word Recognition Instruction in Grades K-3
D90 uses Wilson's, Fundations, a structured literacy resource for teaching early learners foundational literacy skills in phonics, decoding, handwriting, and spelling, in all grades K-3.
Language Comprehension
Starting in January 2025, all grades will begin using new resources for background knowledge, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
Learn more about our curricular resources below.
Being a Reader and Being a Writer
Grades Kindergarten through fourth grade will use “Being a Reader” and “Being a Writer,” published by Collaborative Classroom. These resources provide a gradual release model for instruction including whole class, small group, partner, and independent work structures throughout each lesson. The texts and topics are highly engaging for students. In addition to small group instruction at every level, Book Clubs are available for grades 3 and 4. In addition, teachers will continue to use Wilson’s Fundations as our core resource for teaching foundational literacy skills in concert with Being a Reader/Writer.
Arts and Letters
Grade five will use “Arts and Letters,” published by Great Minds. Arts and Letters is an evolution of Wit and Wisdom that was created based on teacher feedback of Wit and Wisdom. The lessons are 60 minutes in length, allowing our 5th grade teachers additional time for small groups and independent reading. Arts and Letters is an inquiry and knowledge based curriculum with an integrated approach to reading and writing. The unit topics, texts, and discussions, are highly engaging for students. Lessons include whole class instruction, partner and small group collaboration, and independent application of skills.
Wit and Wisdom
Grades six through eight will use “Wit and Wisdom,” published by Great Minds. This resource is very similar to Arts and Letters in that it is an inquiry and knowledge based curriculum with an integrated approach to reading and writing. The unit topics, texts, and discussions, are highly engaging for students. Lessons are 80 minutes in length and include whole class instruction, partner and small group collaboration, and independent application of skills. ‘
Learn more about the K-8 Illinois Learning Standards for English and Language Arts.
Learn more about the 2023-2024 Literacy Curriculum Review.
District 90 science instruction is based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS identifies three distinct and equally important components to build cohesive science learning for K-8 students: Cross-cutting Concepts, Science and Engineering Practices, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. The NGSS learning focuses on investigating the presence of a “phenomena” or a problem to investigate. Students apply their knowledge of science and engineering practices to engage in problem-solving and experimentation to solve real-world problems presented in each science unit of instruction.
Cross-Cutting Concepts explore concepts that are represented within the four domains of science - Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering Design Concepts include cause and effect; structure and function; systems and systems models; scale and proportion, stability and change; energy and matter; and patterns.
Science and Engineering Practices describe what scientists do to investigate the natural world and what engineers do to design and build systems. The practices provide guidance for leading science inquiries to deepen and apply their knowledge of core ideas and cross-cutting concepts.
Disciplinary Core Ideas are key ideas in science that have broad importance within or across multiple science or engineering disciplines.
Learn more about Illinois Science Standards.
The District 90 Social Studies curriculum is designed to meet the Illinois Learning Standards for Social Sciences with content and skills building through each grade level.
The Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science incorporate Disciplinary Skills, that reflect how social scientists engage in their work, and Inquiry Skills. The interwoven skill sets are intended to provide comprehensive learning experiences for all students.
The disciplinary concepts are divided into the four core disciplines of social science that include Civics, Geography, Economics and Financial LIteracy, and History. The Inquiry Skills are composed of four core areas. These include recognizing perspective and articulating identities, developing questions and planning inquiries, evaluating sources and using evidence, and communicating conclusions and taking informed action.
At the K-5 elementary school level, the learning standards are tied to grade-level themes and aligned to the disciplinary concepts. The grade level themes include:
- Kindergarten: My Social World
- First Grade: Living, Learning, and Working Together
- Second Grade: Families, Neighborhoods, and Communities
- Third Grade: Communities Near and Far
- Fourth Grade: Our State, Our Nation
- Fifth Grade: Our Nation, Our World
The middle school standards are banded by level of complexity rather than grade level to reflect the range of demand in the standards and the varying range of learners in each classroom.
For example, a less complex question is: “Identify different types of citizenship and immigration statuses of individuals in the US and the different rights and roles associated with their status (e.g. voters, jurors, taxpayers, military, protesters, and office holders). A more complex question is: “Evaluate the powers and responsibilities of individuals, political parties, interest groups, and the media; how these have changed over time and the impacts on multiple communities.”
Learn more about the Standards for Social Science.
The District 90 Physical Education program teaches all students concepts related to motor-skill development, being part of a team and team leadership skills, what it means to be physically fit, and wellness skills to support a long-term healthy lifestyle. These concepts are integrated into instructional units that support the Illinois State Goals.
Goals include acquiring movement and motor skills and understanding concepts necessary to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity while achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness based upon continual self-assessment. Students also work to develop skills necessary to become a successful member of a team by working with others during physical activity, and learn about principles of health promotion and the prevention and treatment of illness and injury. These concepts are scaffolded across the grade levels in ways that respect students’ developmental growth over time and age-appropriateness.
Student learning is enriched through exploratory subjects from preschool through eighth-grade. In the elementary schools, students participate in weekly special classes in art, music, library, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), as well as daily physical education.
In art class, students explore techniques and use their imaginations to develop creative problem solving skills working with a variety of media such as paint, clay, printmaking, and fiber arts while learning about world cultures through visual arts. In music, students explore voice, body percussion, mallet instruments, untuned percussion, and recorder, experiencing music-making in a group setting. During Library class, students develop an appreciation of literature, use research tools, study poetry and different genres, learn digital citizenship, and expand their understanding of our diverse world.
The STEAM approach incorporates Art into the broader STEM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to integrate important elements of design. Instruction also involves problem solving, robotics and coding in a hands-on project-based class environment.
Students also have the opportunity to begin their exposure to world languages through the voluntary extra-curricular FLIP program (Foreign Language Introduction Program), which is organized and facilitated by the elementary Parent Teacher Organizations. FLIP classes are scheduled before and after school, and occasionally during lunch if enrollment allows.
In middle school, students rotate through exploratory classes which include art, music, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Technology, and Communications.
In Art class, students study the work of designers, painters, sculptors, learn techniques, and then create their own works of art, connecting their work to society, culture and history. Materials used include charcoal, paints, printmaking, clay, sewing, 3D printers, and more. In Music, students create, perform, connect, and respond to music in an active, music-making curriculum with an emphasis on hands-on, ensemble-centered projects, using voice, recorder, xylophone, drums, and guitar. STEM class includes the engineering design process, hands-on building, coding, and collaborating in groups, with students utilizing elements such as the 3D printer and metal parts such as screws, gears, wheels. In fifth grade, students take a Technology class in which they learn how to use the essential platforms and tools for middle school while learning about ways to maintain a balanced and healthy approach to technology use. In Communications class, students learn to articulate their ideas clearly and expressively for different audiences and purposes through speeches, presentations, and group activities. Students also learn self-management techniques to help lessen stress and anxiety, which are valuable to help students manage apprehension they may have about public speaking.
In fifth grade, students begin formal study of a world language, with options including Italian, French, or Spanish. World language study continues through eighth grade. The world language classes focus on speaking, listening, reading, and writing while learning about the culture.
In addition to exploratory classes, students have the opportunity and are encouraged to explore specific interests and make connections through a wide set of clubs and activities, such as robotics, newspaper club, and sustainability club, and through athletic teams, such as volleyball, track and field, and basketball.
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is an integral component of teaching and learning. In D90, we strive to create safe, welcoming, and engaging classroom communities. The development of students’ social emotional skills is essential for developing positive collaborative relationships with peers and adults. Social-emotional skill development includes skills such as cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, self-control, and perseverance. District 90 uses two resources to support the SEL skill development of each student:
Responsive Classroom is utilized to develop inclusive classroom environments where students feel safe, valued, and joyful as well as consider themselves important, contributing members of the classroom community. Responsive Classroom helps students become responsible leaders that contribute to the management of the classroom and solve problems under the guidance of their teacher. D90 has a goal to all train all staff in Responsive Classroom practices by 2028.
Second Step is a research-based curriculum incorporated throughout the instructional program at both elementary schools that helps students build positive relationships, manage emotions, and meet goals.
At Roosevelt Middle School, students participate in a school-wide Advisory Program. Designed to build strong student–teacher relationships and school community, students meet weekly in an Advisory group throughout their years at Roosevelt. During Advisory time, faculty leaders facilitate group discussions and lessons on topics such as growth mindset and goal setting, emotion management, problem solving, recognizing bullying and harassment, and managing relationships and normal social conflict.
The purpose of the English Learner program is to increase English language proficiency through English Language instruction (EL) to assist students whose home language is other than English to attain language proficiency. EL instruction includes skill development in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
District 90 has a Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) for its English language learners. This program consists of push-in support within the general education classroom as well as one-on-one support.
All families completing their initial registration in District 90 are required to complete a Home Language Survey. Based on the survey response, students may be assessed with the WIDA language screener to determine if they qualify for English language support. The families of qualifying students are contacted by a member of the EL team to arrange for additional support services. All students who are deemed qualified for English language support are required to take the ACCESS test each year. Students who attain proficiency based on their ACCESS results will continue to be monitored after they exit the English language learner program. Districts are also able to monitor student Pathway to Proficiency from year-to-year.
District 90’s mission is to inspire and empower all learners to achieve their personal best. In elementary schools, students are placed in balanced classrooms of diverse learners. Teachers use differentiation strategies to challenge and support the growth of each learner. Lessons are designed to meet the varying interests and readiness levels of students. Teachers and support staff meet regularly to collaborate and coordinate their instructional approaches for each student. Children who are ready are provided with enrichment and extensions and children in need of additional supports are provided them based upon identified areas for development.
Roosevelt offers course content acceleration in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. The enriched ELA course, Humanities, is offered to students who demonstrate mastery of grade level content in the classroom and on selected assessments. Placement is based upon student performance on the Measures of Academic (MAP) reading test, classroom performance, and classroom profile. The accelerated math program, known as ATP, provides math instruction at a faster pace of instruction. Students are identified for the ATP math program through a combination of assessments including the Silicon Valley Math Initiative Tasks, the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), and classroom profile. For additional information, please visit the Accelerated Pathways tab below.
District 90 uses a variety of assessments to monitor students' educational progress and measure the effectiveness of our programs. These assessments below are used to determine individual student achievement and instructional needs, curriculum and instruction effectiveness, and how school performance compares to District learning objectives and statewide norms.
Please keep in mind that no single assessment can provide a full accounting of a child's knowledge, skills, and academic progress. Together, assessment data offers valuable patterns and insights to a child’s profile and aid our efforts in guiding progress.
Assessment | grade levlEs | testing time-frame |
Measures of Academic Progress (reading and math) |
3-8 | Fall/Spring |
Aimsweb Plus* (reading and math) | K-6 | Fall/Winter/Spring |
Fountas & Pinnell (reading) | 1-6 | Fall/Spring |
SVMI Tasks (Math) | 4-5 | Spring |
Cognitively Guided Instruction (math) | 3-4 | Fall/Winter/Spring |
ACCESS for ELs (English Learners) (reading, writing, speaking, listening) | K-8 | Winter |
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (reading and Math) | 3-8 | Apring |
Kindergareten Individual Deveopment Survey (KIDS) | K |
Fall |
Illinois Science Assessment | 5, 8 | Spring |
Grades K-4
K-4 students engage in lessons that build foundational skills in digital citizenship and internet safety. These lessons encourage students to become responsible, ethical, and confident digital citizens. Our lessons are guided by ISTE Standards, and we use a variety of engaging resources such as Common Sense Media, Be Internet Awesome, and read alouds to support student learning.
Kindergarten: Introduction to Online Safety with a focus on media balance and wellbeing. Students begin to learn about how to balance online and offline activities through guided conversations, projects, and read alouds.
Grade 1: Online Awareness with continued focus on media balance and wellbeing. Students identify healthy media choices by reflecting on screen time and selecting age-appropriate content.
Grade 2: Students continue their learning about media balance and wellbeing by reviewing making healthy media choices. Students learn to identify what makes a media choice healthy or unhealthy. They explore the importance of balancing screen time with other activities like playing, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
Grade 3: Digital Footprints and Media Literacy with a focus on exploring real-life examples of how online behavior affects personal reputation and encouraging students to make positive choices online.
Grade 4: Responsible Digital Citizenship with a focus on cyberbullying, digital drama, and hate speech. Students are empowered to be "upstanders" by identifying hurtful language and reporting cyberbullying. We continue to build upon how online behavior affects personal reputation. Relationships and Communication: Students learn how to maintain integrity while interacting online and understand the impact of their digital tracks. News and Media Literacy: Students develop critical thinking skills to assess the credibility of sources and understand the responsibilities of being a content creator.
Grades 5-8
In middle school, students are engaged in internet safety and healthy usage conversation in many different settings including various classes, presentations, and expert guest speakers. In 5th grade, students take a course dedicated to technology. In this class, students are taught internet safety including safe and healthy usage. This includes topics like sharing information and phishing.
In grades 6-8, STEM classes focus on safe and ethical practices related to Artificial Intelligence. In the library, all students learn more about plagiarism and finding and using reputable sources. Specifically for 6th and 8th graders, D90 partners with the Village of River Forest and our school resource officer to bring in guest speakers for a program titled iSearch. iSearch specially covers appropriate social media use, safe practices when interacting with other online, and using digital tools to communicate respectfully. In all grades 5-8, the school resource office presents to classes about cybersafety and social media use. In grades 6, 7, and 8, local organization, Sarah's Inn, is used a resource used with students to learn about ways to cultivate healthy relationships and prevent relationship violence from occurring. This learning includes discussion of healthy social media use in teen relationships.
MTSS is a data driven framework used to respond to the needs of students through collaborative problem solving. MTSS begins with evidence based practices and a guaranteed, viable curriculum provided to all students in the general education classroom. This is known as Tier 1 instruction. . Through the analysis of benchmark and individual progress monitoring data, MTSS is then used to identify students in need of additional support through research-based Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 intervention resources and instructional strategies. These supports can include but are not limited to academics, social emotional skills, executive functioning, and speech language.
Reading, Writing, Math instruction include mini lessons, small group instruction, and independent practice. Science and social studies are taught with integrated, thematic units. Students engage in daily purposeful play stations. These stations support natural curiosity and creativity and include Dramatic Play, Creation Station (Art), Science, Math, Book Nook, Puppets, and Construction Zone. Social emotional learning takes place during morning meeting and throughout the day to practice social skills, develop empathy, identify and manage feelings, solve conflicts, and develop self awareness.
The mission of District 90 is “Inspire and empower all learners to achieve their personal best.” District 90 strives to support the learning trajectories of all students through rigorous instruction and appropriate academic challenge. For some students who are in need of higher level instruction, providing access to a curriculum and learning environment aligned to a grade level typically associated with older students is appropriate.
According to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), “Public Act 100-0421, The Accelerated Placement Act expands services to ALL students, not only those identified as gifted and talented by local policy, who demonstrate high ability and may benefit from accelerated placement. This Act requires the development of a local policy to identify such students through a fair and equitable decision-making and multiple measure assessment process.”
Applications for early entrance to kindergarten, early entrance to first grade, and acceleration must be completed by March 31st. In order to apply for early entrance to Kindergarten: a child must turn five between September 2-30. In order to apply for early entrance to first grade, a child must: be 6 years of age between September 2nd and December 31st of their first grade year, have attended a non-public pre-school and will have completed kindergarten in that same facility prior to starting first grade, and a was taught by an appropriately certified kindergarten teacher. Parents of curent students wanting to explore single subject or grade acceleration should contact their school principal. Please see use the links below for more information.
Early Entrance and Acceleration Information
Appplication For Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Application For Early Entrance to First Grade
Application For Acceleration
Middle School Accelerated English Language Arts and Math Courses
D90 is committed to robust, differentiated programming that meets students at their individual academic levels. We offer advanced pathways for high-performing students in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics. Our priority is strategic student placement that challenges students while maintaining their enthusiasm for learning. Incoming 5th grade students are placed in advanced courses for math (ATP) or English Language Arts (Humanities) using the information below.
5th grade ATP math is an accelerated course focusing on both 5th and 6th grade standards. Students are placed using a variety of information including:
- NWEA MAP math assessment scores from 4th grade fall and spring,
- Classroom skills, and
- Silicon Valley Math Initiative (SVMI) task administered each spring.
5th grade Humanities is an advanced English Language Arts course designed for students ready for accelerated reading and writing challenges. Students are place using a variety of information including:
- NWEA MAP reading assessment scores from 4th grade fall and spring,
- Classroom skills, and
- Common writing assessment.
Humanities/ATP/ATP+ Course Withdrawal
As part of our commitment to ensuring each student's academic success, there are procedures in place to safeguard that students are placed in learning environments in which they can thrive. Please see our steps below.
- In the event that a student earns a C or below as a quarter grade in a Humanities, ATP, or ATP+ class, the teacher will reach out to the parents in writing to share this information. The teacher will conference with the student to discuss their strengths and challenges and help them develop some goals for improvement.
- If a student receives an additional quarter grade of a C in that same school year, a meeting between the parents, teacher, and administrator will be scheduled to review the best course of action for the student’s success. At this meeting, it will be discussed whether or not the child will continue in the course.
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