Remote Learning to Continue Until the End of the 2019-20 School Year

Remote Learning to Continue Until the End of the 2019-20 School Year

Gov. Pritzker has announced that Illinois schools will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. While this announcement is a new development, District 90 administrators have been in discussions about how to respond to this possibility for some time. The details about significant matters, such as 8th-grade graduation, the D90 summer school program, and how student items that remain at school will be returned, will still need to be finalized. However, please be assured that additional information about the implications of the extended school closing will be forthcoming as decisions are formalized. Meanwhile, the District 90 Remote Learning Plan will remain in effect and student instruction will continue as planned. We ask that you continue to monitor your email and the District’s website for more information.