District 90 Goes Solar

District 90 Goes Solar

All three District 90 schools – Lincoln, Willard, and Roosevelt – have completed the installation of three rooftop solar panels. The 1kW solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are expected to power the needs of approximately one classroom. “Along with supporting our school district’s commitment to sustainability, the panels reinforce classroom instruction pertaining to renewable energy and solar power,” said Superintendent Ed Condon. In addition to the instructional value of the program, teachers, students, and the public can view each school’s real-time data on the electricity generated. Click on each school to view the public portals for the energy production of the panels and the resulting cost savings and reduction in carbon emissions.

Installed by Eco Solar Solutions, the panels are a project of the district’s Solar Committee, with the support of classroom teachers, the PTOs and their Green4Good Committees, and District administrators. The panels were installed with the support of a $21,000 grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation, $500 from each school’s PTO, and $500 per school from the District. “The panels are an exciting, hands-on way to make science come alive for our students, while showing them the effects of their daily behaviors,” noted Katarina Berin, District 90 Green4Good member.

To officially commission the panel’s installation and celebrate the District, PTO, and Green4Good commitment to sustainability, there will be community events scheduled later this fall at each school. Please look for additional information.

“We’re excited about the opportunities for real-world learning the panels offer our students and the support of our invaluable partners in making this project come to fruition,” said Dr. Condon.