District 90 Schools Going Solar
Thanks to a $21,000 grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation, all three District 90 schools will be fitted with four solar panels this summer.
"Adding solar energy is a reflection of our school district's commitment to sustainability," said Superintendent Ed Condon. He added that the schools will offer classroom instruction about renewable energy and solar power in conjunction with the installations.
Each school will receive $7,000 in grant funding, which will be supplemented by $500 from each school PTO and $500 per school from the District. "The PTO's and their Green4Good Committees have been invaluable partners in this process," noted Dr. Condon. "They participated on our Solar Energy Committee along with classroom teachers and District administrators to review the project and ensure that it offered the benefits we wanted for our schools, particularly those related to classroom instruction," he added.
Each solar installation is expected to support the power needs of approximately one classroom. They will be installed on each school roof by Eco Solar Solutions, and are expected to be in place by the end of July.