Lincoln Elementary School News

The Board of Education announced the selection of Cal Davis as its newest Board member....

The Board of Education's Special Meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the Regular Boa...

Summer hours for District 90's administrative offices begin on June 12 and end on A...

Wanting to make a difference in their community, Willard second graders recently visite...

Roosevelt’s Scholastic Bowl team recently won the 2017 Illinois Elementary School...

District 90 is holding a meeting to discuss the district’s plans for providi...

Willard School is presenting Big Hearts Little Hands: the 29th Annual Senior Citizen&rs...

Roosevelt’s Bulldogs recently won the 2017 Illinois Elementary School Association...

Two new members, Judith Deogracias and Dr. Nicole Thompson, are joining the District 90...

Nearly 40 District 90 will have their artwork on display as part of the West Suburban C...

The entire District 90 community is invited to a Tri-District Town Hall Forum about the...

Artwork by Willard and Lincoln students is on display at the River Forest Public Librar...

District 90's Special Education Advisory Committee is hosting a special viewing and...

There’s still time to participate in the Inclusiveness Advisory Board’s 201...

It’s time to start thinking about how students will spend their summer hours. Con...

Roosevelt’s 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Team capped off an undefeated season by wi...

District 90 schools will be closed for Spring Break from Monday, March 27 to Friday, Ma...

District 90’s Inclusiveness Advisory Board (IAB) needs your help. Please consider...

Congratulations go to the Young Authors Conference winners and to the 68 students who s...

Fourteen Roosevelt students in grades 5-8, including alternates, participated in the re...

Young Authors Conference

February 8, 2017

The Young Authors Conference will be held on Saturday, February 11 from 9 a.m. – ...


The new Superintendent of Oak Park and River Forest High School, Dr. Joylynn Pruitt-Ada...