Kindergarten Program Review
Kindergarten Program Review Process
Every 5-7 years, District 90 conducts a curriculum review of selected academic programs. The curriculum review process ensures a specific curriculum is aligned with broader instructional programming and provides a strong academic foundation to all students. Currently, the District is in the midst of a review of the Kindergarten program. For the Kindergarten program, The review process includes a thorough review of recent research, the development of a community survey, an analysis of geodemographic information, a facilities assessment, and a financial impact assessment. The entire effort is intended to determine what changes, if any, are needed with the D90 Kindergarten.
The review committee is comprised of 22 members, including both elementary school principals, primary grade teachers, specials teachers, social workers, early childhood community partners, the District’s equity partner, community members, parents, and members of the District’s administrative team.
The Kindergarten Program Review Committee intends to present recommendations to the Board of Education in February 2023. Below are updates about the District 90 Kindergarten Program Review process.
Committee Recommendation for Kindergarten Program Model - February 7, 2023
Kindergarten Program Review Committee Recommendation Presentation - February 7, 2023
Kindergarten Program Survey Results - January 23, 2023
Kindergarten Program Review: Qualititative Primary and Secondary Themes -- January 23, 2023
Kindergarten Program Review Committee Update - December 6, 2022
Committee of the Whole “Town Hall Forum” Feedback - December 6, 2022
Kindergartern Review Survey Flyer - December 5, 2022
Kindergarten Review Survey - November 30, 2022
Kindergarten Review Process Presentation - September 6, 2022
KPR Committee Members
Juan Alegria Devin Howe
Maggie Berg Sarah Lim
Ed Condon Debbie Lubeck
Anthony Cozzi Mona Mann
Laura Crawford Sharon Payton
Rashida Dairyko Jackie Peters
Sharon Ellison Luke Politis
Kathleen Fleming Dawne Simmons
Barb Garvey Lori Suzuki
Casey Godfrey Res Vasquez
Alison Hawley Diane Wood
KPR Working Groups
Data and Geodemographics
Literature Review